من فضلك اختار القائمة العلويه من القوائم داخل لوحة التحكم

معجزة زراعية

نبات الإستيفيا
نبات الإستيفيا
نبات الإستيفيا

معجزة زراعية

نبات الإستيفيا ينتج سكر تعادل درجة المادة السكرية فيه 200 مرة اكثر من سكر القصب والبنجر ويستعمل بأمان لمرضي السكري ومرضي القلب ويستعمل بامان للرجيم والرياضيين
وبدأت زراعته بمصر بعد ان اثبتت التجارب البحثية ان مناخ مصر يجعله اكثر حلاوه وانتشاراً وانتاجا واليكم معلومات عنه

Sugar from the plant Stevia

Name : Stevia

 Scientific name : Stevia Rebaudiana


Is a herbaceous plant Muammar belongs to the composite family (Compositae) and contains papers on the set of natural compounds that have the force of desalination between dozens of times and hundreds of times as much power desalination sucrose and total average power desalination 200 300 times as much sucrose desalination .


Appropriate land :

Stevia can be Agriculture in all types of land and largesse of land planted in sandy silt and deep roots of the plant is preferably plant protection from the intense sun .                 Must be grown at a temperature of not less than 13 ° .

The plants needs to small amounts of water


– Harvest at the beginning of flowering where Article Asteposeid maximum have an active substance .
– Are wed plants when the height of up to 40 – 50 cm.
– session of mowers ranging from 2 – 3 months may be less or more than by climatic conditions.
– Different productivity for the climate and productive spaces ranging between 4 – 12 tons per feddans

 Stevia Features :

The active substance is extracted (sugar) without any chemical processes.
Stevia sugar is produced in the form of liquid or powder-like center powdered sugar.


The advantage of being easy solubility in water.
Sugar Stevia features that sweeten force 200 times more than sucrose desalination.

Can be stored for many years in the appropriate circumstances.
Sugar sativa characterized thermal stability and preserves the high temperature   specifications that are used in cooking.

– Stevia is not sugar calories and do not cause damage to the teeth used safely for patients with diabetice.

– Sugar Stevia is suitable for use as an alternative to partial or total sugar in the food industry .


 sayed abd elhady

شركة الاحمدي للبحوث والزراعات المستحدثة

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